Dave, MichaelH, RP, Paul, Jim, Beth, Ross, Tom, Saul, Jefro, ScottG, Laurentiu, 
Nitin, Jessica, Michael (from Dell), Cristian, Jeff, Sean, Song
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* 1.2.1 update - 5 min (ScottG)
  - We have the full pass QA report on RC1 now. Scott will work with Richard 
and Saul to look through.
  - There is some issues with meta-intel BSPs. But we are not releasing any 
BSPs. The QA on BSPs are to make sure BSP compatibility. 
  - the other issue is related to the new eglibc release.
  - Will send out an email later today on the status after reviewing the bugs. 
* 1.1.2 update - 5 min (Josh/Beth)
  - Bugs opened are things we fixed in 1.2.
  - Laurentiu: will have the test report tomorrow.
  - FRI II: Saul will build the BSP image. 
  - ADT: Beth will generate the repository.
* Yocto 1.3 status  - 10 min (Song/team)
  - P1 items review: 
    - Risky P1 features that may have to be moved to next milestone: 1991, 
1649, 2396, 2606
    - Risky P1 bugs: 2675, 1919, 2679, 2706, 2531, 2595, 2707
  - M3 release criteria review: will be pretty much the same as M2. As we are 
merging the priority for bugs and features. Our release criteria will be 
completing all high bugs and features targeted for the milestone.
  - master status: There has been a lot changes. We got fixes in a few area 
such as RPM, multi-lib. Trying to take more patches. 
  - RP: we are looking for more people to help on the SWAT team meeting. 
* SWAT team rotation: Jessica - > Paul
* Opens - 10 min
* Team sharing - 20 min
  - Michael H: moved eglibc to the target server, working on autobuilders 
getting to these and rotate them in. Updating on documentation, statics on 
bugzilla and downloads.

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