Any thoughts on this?  Should I log a bug in bugzilla, or am I just doing
something wrong?

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Jerrod Peach <> wrote:

> All,
> I noticed the changes to recrdeptask from Yocto 1.2 to Yocto 1.3.  I saw a
> number of "all" tasks in the classes change like this:
> -do_checkuriall[recrdeptask] = "do_checkuri"
> +do_checkuriall[recrdeptask] = "do_checkuriall do_checkuri"
> I have my own task that needs to work on all packages, and I assumed
> making the same change to my task would cause this to occur.  (Prior to
> this, I had noticed the task seemed to only be running on about 12
> packages, where it used to run on about 60.)  So, I made the change, and
> indeed started running on more packages.  It only ran on about 45 packages
> though, which I found curious.  So, I dug a little deeper and had bitbake
> spit out pn-buildlist for me (with the -g option).  That list showed around
> 75 packages.  That meant I was still not running on a pretty large number
> of packages.  Then I ran checkurilall.  I noticed it, too, was running on
> the same list of packages as my task, i.e. NOT all of them.
> Has recrdeptask changed in some way that now prevents a task from running
> on all packages in a dependency graph recursively?  Was this intentional?
>  Is there some other (more preferable?) way for me to cause a task to run
> on all packages in a dependency graph?
> Kind regards,
> Jerrod
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