> From: Darren Hart
> Are you building with the rm work setting? Otherwise, that 
> should not be
> empty unless you have more than one linux-yocto* directory 
> and the other
> is populated.
> If not, verify rm work is not on and just build the kernel:
> $ bitbake linux-yocto -c cleansstate
> $ bitbake linux-yocto

After doing that (with two esses), I now have a .config file, along with a
ton of other stuff, in that folder. I have no idea what made it disappear,
because I don't use the rm_work option.

However, the only BLK_DEV_RAM line is

        # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is not set

I haven't been fiddling with the kernel, because I don't know how to fiddle
with the kernel. This should be a plain vanilla build.


Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
Paul                mailto:pdero...@ix.netcom.com 

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