Problably the issue about modules.builtin was a nosense, becasuse
patching the kernel Makefile in order to include this file dosen't fix
the problem.

That said, I am unable to make work properly the /lib/modules folder.
The problem is the "make modules_install" is not putting all the files
in the target folder (I mean the modules.dep files an so on). This is
the log output when the task do_install of the kernel.bbclass:


  DEPMOD  2.6.32-abacus

+ bbnote 'JAVI -> ls INSTALL_MOD_PATH'
+ ls -l 

total 40
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   163 Jun 14 10:08 build ->
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root  4096 Jun 14 10:08 kernel
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  6380 Jun 14 10:08 modules.builtin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16509 Jun 14 10:08 modules.order
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   141 Jun 14 10:08 source ->


The make modules_install uses the target folder INSTALL_MOD_PATH in
order to install the modules, however you can see only the files
"modules.builtin" and "modules.order" are properly installed. The
"make modules_install" work fine if I run this command from a
"devshell", however from the "bitbake virtual/kernel -c install" is
not properly working.

Can anybody give me a hint?

Many thanks.
Javi Roman

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Javi Roman <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've found a possible issue with the depmodwrapper (in image.bbclass
> -> do_rootfs) and the old kernel tree 2.6.32.
> The final rootfs image is not properly populated with the necessary
> kernel module files for the module-init-tools utility:
> /lib/modules/<kernel-version/
> modules.alias
> modules.alias.bin
> modules.builtin
> modules.builtin.bin
> modules.dep
> modules.dep.bin
> modules.devname
> modules.order
> modules.softdep
> modules.symbols
> modules.symbols.bin
> This tool depmodwrapper is using the kernel Makefile generated file
> "modules.builtin", this file is not generated by the kbuild kernel
> system in the 2.6.32 kernel. This feature was included in the 2.6.33
> branch [1].
> So the image.bbclass is broken for kernel trees below 2.6.33 version.
> However the bitbake.conf shows the variable OLDEST_KERNEL = "2.6.16".
> Many thanks!
> [1] 
> Javi Roman
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