
Thanks for the suggestion of referencing ArchLinux. I have written my own 
recipes, though not enough to feel competent yet. That was my next step, I just 
like to see if I relly need to invent the wheel or not before starting. Thanks 
for the response... I am off to write the recipe, the wonderful recipe of qiv.

Brian Wenholz

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Paul Barker
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 6:00 PM
To: Wenholz, Brian (GE Healthcare)
Subject: Re: [yocto] Full Screen Image Display Program

On 16 August 2013 15:48, Wenholz, Brian (GE Healthcare) 
<> wrote:
> Does anyone have, or can point me to, a good recipe for qiv that will 
> work with Yocto 1.3?

It isn't found on so it's probably not in any of the 
major layers. It should be too complicated a program to write a recipe for 
though. I tend to look to Arch Linux for inspiration and to see if any extra 
patches are needed:
The syntax is different but you can see their dependencies, the lack of any 
custom patches and the fact that you just need to ensure that 'make' is called 
then copy the resulting binary and man page.

Have you written your own recipes before?

Paul Barker

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