An update on where we are at:

rc1 is still churning. There was one autobuilder issue with regards to
genericx86 in nightly-x86-lsb. I've built this out by hand and
populated the release with it as well as corrected the ab issue. We're
seeing a lot of sanity issues, but so far no build failures (other
than the above known issue).


On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Flanagan, Elizabeth
<> wrote:
> All,
> Earlier today we attempted a spin of rc1. This attempt ended up having
> multiple issues. Due to that, we decided to end the build, tag and
> spin an rc2.
> So far, things are looking ok. I did drop the number of buildslaves on
> the autobuilder down from 3 to 2, so things might take a bit longer.
> The build should be available in a few hours at:
> meta-fsl-arm f2805add77f9e9d5f7a114ee99a632172d8f3ff6
> meta-fsl-ppc 58a57096e4b7e2ceca3c33d3e7100c5434966cd9
> meta-intel 164067980e18e8ba60b317677ced2d75c3725dbe
> meta-minnow 7719e114bd0c2118c3d4c2a1a7c06e966103ab09
> meta-qt3 b73552fb998fd30a01dbee5a172e432a16078222
> poky 5745e45b18e5099e94b4d5a73bc97dc6d4cdc91f
> -b
> --
> Elizabeth Flanagan
> Yocto Project
> Build and Release

Elizabeth Flanagan
Yocto Project
Build and Release
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