This mail was sent out by Package Report System.
This message list those recipes which need to be upgraded. If maintainers 
believe some of them needn't to upgrade this time, they can fill in 
RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON_pn-"xxx" in upstream_tracking files to ignore this 
recipe remainder until newer upstream version was detected.
RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON_pn-"xxx" = "Not upgrade to 2.0 because the new version 
is unstable"
You can check the detail information at

PackageName                   Version                       UpVersion           
          Maintainer                                        NoUpgradeReason     
Upgradable Count: 0
Upgrade Total Count: 0
The based commit merge time is:
Sat Sep 14 08:36:26 2013 +0100
The based commit is:
commit 5fca4d286eec240ad57d90defa43cd0ff24f88ed
Author: Bruce Ashfield <>
Date:   Fri Sep 13 12:54:58 2013 -0400
Any problem, please contact Saul Wold <> 

<<attachment: weekly_upgrde_history_chart.png>> RECIPE_COLOR = "green"
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