Hello Alex,

> Alex J Lennon <ajlen...@dynamicdevices.co.uk> hat am 10. März 2014 um 12:43
> geschrieben:

> fwiw I'd have thought myself that string comparison should be string
> comparison (==) as if you use an object identity comparison as a string
> comparison (is), you potentially introduce opaque problems when the
> strings are the same - i.e. same bytes of data - but the objects are not
> the same for whatever reason.

I've interpreted it roughly the same so far, but they ValueError point seems to
valid to me too (gah, I really know why I usually avoid dynamically typed
languages!). But the solution for me in this context seems to be then to use
something like:

DUMMYSTRING = "foobar"
def safestringcompare(stra, strb):
  return type(DUMMYSTRING) == type(stra) and type(stra) == type(strb) and stra
== strb

> Cheers,
> Alex


> >> This discussion can go over and over, is more a flavor thing: being
> >> pythonian or not.
> > Agreed, with the exception of the above said. But you're right, I'll look
> > into
> > the topic and see if it can bring improvements. Thanks again for your input.
> >
> >> Best regards,
> >> Vali
> > Greetz
> > Josef /Leto
> >
> >> On 03/10/2014 01:11 PM, Josef Holzmayr wrote:
> >>> Hello Vali,
> >>>
> >>>> Vali Cobelea <valentin.cobe...@enea.com> hat am 10. März 2014 um 12:05
> >>>> geschrieben:
> >>>>
> >>>> Looks ok at a first look, but my first suggestion would be to start
> >>>> using the "is" operator instead of "==" when it comes to comparing
> >>>> strings.
> >>>> Otherwise using your way with "==" will crash if any of the variables
> >>>> (those "sys.argv[]") are None (void).
> >>> Thanks for the quick input! However, this is one of the very rare points I
> >>> intently did that way, because of the difference in meaning from "==" to
> >>> "is"
> >>> (see
> >>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1504717/why-does-comparing-strings-in-python-using-either-or-is-sometimes-produce).
> >>> But I'm curious, how would one then properly compare the content of two
> >>> strings?
> >>> Checking both types first?
> >>>
> >>>> Best regards,
> >>>> Vali
> >>> Greetz
> >>> Josef/Leto
> >>>
> >>>> On 03/10/2014 12:59 PM, Josef Holzmayr wrote:
> >>>>> Howdy!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> After looking more and more into yocto, one of the main issues for me is
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> process to set up a project properly, including all layers and conf
> >>>>> options.
> >>>>> Especially those which would be needed to set exactly the same way again
> >>>>> and
> >>>>> again every time somebody needs to reproduce a build.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So I've come up with an idea: a small tool that can handle these things
> >>>>> for
> >>>>> me.
> >>>>> And here it is for your enjoyment/use/abuse/comments:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> https://github.com/LetoThe2nd/blubber
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Short excerpt from the README:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> But be warned first. Blubber is still in pre-pre-pre-alpha stage (more
> >>>>> like
> >>>>> a
> >>>>> proof of concept), and has the following defects/bugs/non-features:
> >>>>> - Horribly bad python code (Yes, its really that bad. Blame me, its my
> >>>>> first
> >>>>> attempt to use that language)
> >>>>> - No error checking whatsoever
> >>>>> - Largely incomplete feature set
> >>>>> - Did I already mention the utterly bad code?
> >>>>> - Only supports git sources so far.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Despite that, it can already do some magic:
> >>>>> - Getting poky and layers from git, and checking out
> >>>>> branches/tags/commits
> >>>>> if
> >>>>> needed
> >>>>> - Accordingly setting up build/conf/bblayers.conf
> >>>>> - Setting up build/conf/local.conf with a set of predefined options
> >>>>> - Running arbitrary commands with proper shell setup (source-ed
> >>>>> poky/oe-init-build-env) for the configured project.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If anybody has feedback, just scream loudly. Or if anybody knows of a
> >>>>> better
> >>>>> solution making it all obsolete, please also scream. Thanks!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Leto
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