
In a custom recipe I wrote, I want to replace a file that is already added by 
another package/recipe. I know that normally the proper way to do that would be 
to use a .bbappend recipe for the original recipe that installs this file and 
in this .bbappend, copy my version of the file; but this method does not 
achieve exactly what I want to do since I want to replace the file only when I 
include my recipe in the resulting build but keep the file from the original 
package/recipe if I don't include my recipe. So what I did is to add the file I 
want into my recipe and copy it at the same location where the original 
package/recipe puts it; then I added a "RDEPENDS_${PN} = original package" in 
my recipe so my file gets copied last, thus overwriting the file from the 
original package/recipe. This was working with version 1.6 of Yocto but with 
version 1.7, it gives an error saying that it does know how to handle the 
problem. It also suggest possible solutions to correct the problem. The one 
that I think I could use is about adding the problem file (or packages?) to the 
STATE_DUPWHITELIST. I am not sure if it is really the best solution or even how 
to apply it because I haven't found any documentation about this 

Could someone tell how to use this STATE_DUPWHITELIST? Is it the way to go to 
solve my problem or is there a better way to do that?

Thank you.

François Gallichand
Engineer - Software Group
ABB Group
Analytical Business
(418)877-2944 x268

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