On 12/12/14, 7:48 AM, Vuille, Martin (Martin) wrote:
I have read the information at

I would like to know how long stable branches are maintained.

If we are using daisy (1.6), how long can we count on point releases with

security patches before we should plan to upgrade to a newer release?

Rough rule of thumb is the Yocto Project will support two releases at the same time, and releases occur roughly every 6 months. So about 1 year from the time of release. For instance:

Release     - Version - EOL
Fall 2014   - YP 1.7  -
Spring 2014 - YP 1.6  -
Fall 2013   - YP 1.5  - (Fall 2014)
Spring 2013 - YP 1.4  - Spring 2014
Fall 2012   - YP 1.3  - Fall 2013
Spring 2012 - YP 1.2  - Spring 2013
Fall 2011   - YP 1.1  - Fall 2012
Spring 2011 - YP 1.0  - Spring 2012
Fall 2010   - YP 0.9  - Fall 2011

As I said, this is a rule of thumb. We recently released some updates to 1.5 to help close out the work and deal with some security defects.

But I wouldn't expect any further releases. The maintainer of the branch may choose to include fixes submitted by community members, but is not under any obligation to.

If you are looking for support longer then the '2 release cycle', I strongly suggest that you look at a commercial OSV, or another commercial resource as they will be better at helping you with longer term issues.



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