Hello experts,
I built a Yocto image with ROS and a few of its packages, it all went down 
fine. I can run ROS and the packages that are built in the rootfs. Next I on 
the target machine I setup my environment (Catkin) in order to compile my 
additional ROS packages locally on the target later and at will.
Problem is that when invoking a catkin_make, I get CMake errors (related to the 
build dependencies) saying that:could not find a package configuration file 
provided by "Example_package" with any of the following 
I investigated further and "obviously" found out the all of these configuration 
files do exists in my host machine and under the /tmp/sysroots/... tree, in the 
correct path.
Since I want to be able to add and compile more ROS packages later and locally 
on the Target -- which may depend on the already installed packages -- Is there 
a way to instruct the build system to also included all of these configuration 
files in the rootfs image too? or is this contradict the purpose of the Yocto 
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