On 2017-01-19 12:30, Burton, Ross wrote:
(CCing the layer maintainers as listed in the README to ensure this gets 

Shouldn't this have [meta-rockchip] (or some such) in the subject? - it's 
not OE-core or even Poky AFAICT

On 19 January 2017 at 10:09, Jacob Chen <jacob-c...@iotwrt.com 
<mailto:jacob-c...@iotwrt.com>> wrote:

    This series of patches add below features, will add more supports in the 
future(medias, more chips).

    1. rockchip 4.4 kernel

    Rockchip 4.4 kernel is currently the latest version of the rockchip offical 
kernel, will be an upstream tracking branch.
    We regularly release the kernel through github. It support all rockchip 
64-bit chips and a few 32-bit chips.

    2. rockchip next-dev U-boot

    Rockchip next-dev U-boot is the next generation of rockchip u-boot, will 
also be an upstream tracking branch.
    At present, this branch is just a rebased upstream u-boot.

    3. graphics

    We have plans for the acceleration in wayland, x11 in the rockchip 
platform, but in this series of patches, we only
    include the mali bianry support.

    4. rockchip-next-image

    Being different from the previous rk-u-boot which use parameter, next-dev 
u-boot use gpt partition, so it needs to
    generate a different image.

    Jacob Chen (7):
      recipes-kernel: linux-rockchip: Add new recipe for 4.4
      machine: Add machine file for the rk3288 linux Boards
      machine: firefly: use linux-rockchip by default
      recipes-graphics: Add support for mali-userspace
      recipes-bsp: add u-boot-rockchip support
      rk3288.inc: add some variables
      rockchip-next-image: introduce image for rockchip next-dev u-boot

     classes/rockchip-next-image.bbclass                | 130 
     conf/machine/evb-rk3288.conf                       |  12 ++
     conf/machine/fennec-rk3288.conf                    |  12 ++
     conf/machine/firefly-rk3288.conf                   |   4 +
     conf/machine/include/rk-linux.inc                  |  20 ++++
     conf/machine/include/rk3288.inc                    |  10 +-
     conf/machine/tinker-rk3288.conf                    |  13 +++
<http://u-boot-rockchip_next.bb>         |  17 +++
     recipes-graphics/mali-userspace/mali-userspace.inc |  57 +++++++++
     .../mali-userspace/mali-userspace_t76x.bb <http://mali-userspace_t76x.bb>  
        |  18 +++
     recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_%.bbappend              |   9 ++
     recipes-kernel/linux/linux-rockchip_4.4.bb <http://linux-rockchip_4.4.bb>  
       |  20 ++++
     12 files changed, 321 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
     create mode 100644 classes/rockchip-next-image.bbclass
     create mode 100644 conf/machine/evb-rk3288.conf
     create mode 100644 conf/machine/fennec-rk3288.conf
     create mode 100644 conf/machine/include/rk-linux.inc
     create mode 100644 conf/machine/tinker-rk3288.conf
     create mode 100644 recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-rockchip_next.bb 
     create mode 100644 recipes-graphics/mali-userspace/mali-userspace.inc
     create mode 100644 recipes-graphics/mali-userspace/mali-userspace_t76x.bb 
     create mode 100644 recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_%.bbappend
     create mode 100644 recipes-kernel/linux/linux-rockchip_4.4.bb 

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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