On 20-01-17 07:15, Michael Gloff wrote:

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 3:18 AM, Mike Looijmans <mike.looijm...@topic.nl
<mailto:mike.looijm...@topic.nl>> wrote:

    On 18-01-17 16:10, colin.helliw...@ln-systems.com
    <mailto:colin.helliw...@ln-systems.com> wrote:

        We have a configuration for our embedded system which is working via
        SysV, but
        we’re investigating moving over to systemd.

        Not sure if this is ‘wise’ – if anyone has technological arguments
        then I’d be interested – but I wanted to investigate it anyway.

    Just one. systemd is a bit larger. So it will increase the boot time if
    your platform is I/O limited (many embedded systems are).

    The good thing I noticed is that it shuts down a lot faster than
    initscripts. (I don't understand why I can boot my system in 2 seconds,
    but shutdown takes over 5 seconds...)

The 5+ seconds may be from sendsigs on shutdown or reboot:
     echo "Sending all processes the TERM signal..."
     killall5 -15
    sleep 5
     echo "Sending all processes the KILL signal..."
     killall5 -9

OMG, indeed, this is utterly braindead!

An no one (except one of the systemd folks) has come up with a program that just waits for the the processes to finish (with a timeout) and only uses the "-9" double barrel shotgun to finish only the ones that didn't respond? (though doing that is rather pointless if the system power is about to be cut anyway...)

Kind regards,

Mike Looijmans
System Expert

TOPIC Products
Materiaalweg 4, NL-5681 RJ Best
Postbus 440, NL-5680 AK Best
Telefoon: +31 (0) 499 33 69 79
E-mail: mike.looijm...@topicproducts.com
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