On 25 July 2017 at 15:08, <colin.helliw...@ln-systems.com> wrote:

> This is gonna be a bit of a hard one to describe concisely, but hoping
> someone can advise me on solving it....
> I have a recipe of my own for an app (NetworkManager) which fetches the
> source from its git repo. This recipe works on krogoth, but is throwing up
> configure errors on morty.

For a start, why not use the recipe from meta-oe?

> The recipe has a
> do_configure_prepend() {
>     ( cd ${S} ; NOCONFIGURE=yes ./autogen.sh )
> }
>   - I seemed to need this because the git source has no ABOUT-NLS; not sure
> if that's the correct fix, but 'it seemed to work' before.

If the only thing that is missing is an ABOUT-NLS file (sounds like
something gettext should have installed?) then I'd just have a prepend that
touches that file, and let autotools.bbclass invoke autoreconf for you.

> I'm also getting a lot of:
> | NOTE: Skipping setscene dependency
> virtual:native:/home/colin/100051-trunk/fsl-community-
> bsp/sources/poky/meta/
> recipes-devtools/pseudo/pseudo_1.8.1.bb:do_populate_sysroot for m4 macro
> copying
>   - not sure if this is relevant/important
> Freely admit I'm no autotools expert, so any suggestions welcome! Thanks

That's just verbose logging from the recipe-specific-sysroot code, you can
ignore it.

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