On Thursday, 9 November 2017 4:42:50 AM NZDT Mark Hatle wrote:
> On 11/7/17 8:43 PM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 8 November 2017 11:47:49 AM NZDT Mark Hatle wrote:
> >> On 11/7/17 4:31 PM, Amanda Brindle wrote:
> >>> Use JavaScript to check if the search box for recipe search is
> >>> empty before querying the database. This will prevent the "502
> >>> Bad Gateway" error that occurs when the query takes too long due
> >>> to the large list of recipes. Since there are so many recipes
> >>> spread across the layers in the OE index, there's no point in
> >>> allowing a user to search without a keyword in order to browse
> >>> the list; it simply isn't digestible as a whole.
> >>>
> >>> Add a browse button for the Machines, Classes, and Distros pages.
> >>
> >> There are reasons to view all of the recipes, machines, classes, distros,
> >> etc. (Not necessarily good reasons, but I know people do it.)
> >>
> >> If the query is too long, it would be better to figure out a way to get a
> >> partial response and formulate the first page based on partial
> >> responses... having a multipage response that the user can look at.
> > 
> > I'm willing to be proven wrong, but unfortunately it looks to me like this 
> > will require major re-engineering to sort out for a fairly weak use case.
> > If you consider this important, would you be able to look into making it
> > work?
> I suspect much of the display engine probably needs a rework as the contents
> of the layer index have grown.  I can't promise anything, but I'll see if I
> can find anyone who can work on it.

Could be yes, thanks.

> For recipes, the use-case is very weak.  I have talked with people though
> who have just wanted a list of what is available (one big list).  Primarily
> so they can compare what is available to some magic spec sheet they are
> looking at.

If that's the use case though we should provide a proper export capability, 
because comparing big lists manually 50 items at a time isn't how you'd best 
support that. Theoretically the API could be used there but an explicit export 
function would be more accessible.

> For the Machines, Distros pages..  people do want a full list here, as they
> simply won't know what is available or what something is called.  The scope
> of the machines and distros of course is nowhere near the scope for the full
> recipe list.

Right, and this patch doesn't remove the ability to browse those - in fact it 
makes it easier to do so by adding an explicit browse button, so I think we're 
OK there.



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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