Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 is in QA.

Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M4 release is 4/27/18

SWAT Team Rotation:

·         SWAT lead is currently: Stephano

·         SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Maxin  on May 11, 2018

·         SWAT team rotation: Maxin-> Armin on May 18, 2018


Key Status/Updates:

·         2.5 rc1 should be due from QA early this week. It is 96% complete. 

·         The need for any rc2 is still to be determined when the report is 

·         The technical call on 1st May started discussions on 2.6 planning. 
Some threads were started on the openembedded-architecture mailing list for 
some of the topics which need discussion. The email linked to below details the 
planning process we will be following along with some of the possible ideas for 

·         A further 2.6 planning meeting will be scheduled at the same time as 
the original meeting on 15th May to continue the discussion (8am PST, 4pm GMT).

·         We have started merging patches into master again to clear some of 
the backlog, particularly the recipe upgrades. This improved the overall patch 
count in metrics below.

Planned upcoming dot releases:

·         YP 2.3.4 (Pyro) will be built after 2.5

·         YP 2.2.4 (Morty) will be built after 2.5

·         YP 2.4.3 (Rocko) is planned for post YP 2.5

Key YP 2.5 Dates are:

·         YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18

Tracking Metrics:

·         WDD 2550 (last week 2508) 

·         Patches

o    Total patches found: 1590 (last week 1635)

o    Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 47% (last week 46%)

Key Status Links for YP:

The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this 
weekly status update, let us know!]


Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Project Manager
INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124
•    Cell:                (208) 244-4460
• Email:                   

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