Friendly ping, any thoughts on this?

One thing I have noted - without the remote url, bitbake will not link the file 
into DL_DIR or create a *.done file for it.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> On Behalf Of Edmund Nadolski
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 3:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: [yocto] SRC_URI when there is a local mirror but no remote repo
> Hi,
> Does Yocto/Bitbake support a way to set SRC_URI in a recipe when there is
> no corresponding upstream remote (git://, https://, etc.) for a *.tar.gz file?
> IOW, I've configured for own_mirrors and set BB_NO_NETWORK=1, and my
> *.tar.gz file only lives in the local_mirror directory.
> It looks to me like file:// thinks that the file always lives under ${S}.
> TIA,
> Ed
> ...
> # functional workaround
> SRC_URI = "";
> ...
> do_unpack () {
>         # Unpack straight from the local mirror since there is no remote
>         tar xzf ${TOPDIR}/../local_mirror/example-1.0.0.src.tar.gz -C ${S}
> do_install () {
>         install -d ${D}/${MY_DIR}
>         install -m 0744 ${S}/example/ ${D}/${MY_DIR}
> --
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