The readme should mention how to run the samples. Basically, you would
need to generate the wsdl first & I think you need to change the
wsdl:service definition to using the corbaloc address in the hello_world

For the bank & bank_ws_addressing demos, you wouldn't need this extra
step. The hello_world sample was put together to show on how to specify
a corbaloc address.

- Balaji

-----Original Message-----
From: Lukas Zapletal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 7:04 AM
Subject: Explanation of the examples

Hello all,

could anyone explain me how examples works and what they do?

I have found hello_world example and these programs:

- yoko/server
- yoko/client
- corba/server
- coroba/client

I have corba server with corba client working. I have had to generate
stubs from the IDL file. I would like to run the yoko examples and then
to make some CORBA--WSDL calls. It seems the yoko/client is referencing
HelloWorld-corba.wsdl but this file does not exist. What additional
things I
need to run WSDL examples?


Lukas Zapletal

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