Thank you David. The most helpful and comprehensive of several I've had from 
the group. I will try to hide myself away and give your advice a go as soon as 
Granny and Grandad arrive to provide some distraction. Can't jeopardise the 
unshakeable belief in Santa by getting caught with the nerbbook!  
Very good of you to take time to reply at such length. I'll let you know how it 

Sent from Kit's 'phone

On 21 Dec 2011, at 08:00 PM, David Morris <> wrote:

> I'm going to assume that the only thing you've done with the netbook is 
> modifying the BIOS settings i.e. you haven't successfully booted into any 
> kind of installer or partitioning tool.
> First thing to do is to unbrick it. I've yet to encounter a BIOS that doesn't 
> have sensible defaults, so the thing to do here is to go into the BIOS and 
> reset it to factory/default settings. This is normally easy. Save BIOS 
> settings and reboot. Hopefully at this point windows will boot happily, or at 
> least with minimal complaining. If it doesn't, post details of the error 
> screen and we'll see what we can do.
> Next step is to get it to boot from USB. If, as Tom says, the boot order is 
> ignored, there's no point modifying it, so you should be able to leave the 
> BIOS with default settings. All the documentation says that to get a boot 
> device menu from an eeePC, you need to hit Escape during the BIOS. The thing 
> to remember here is that the BIOS tends to be slow and unresponsive. It's not 
> a question of tapping the key with perfect timing; just hammer it from the 
> moment the computer starts to come on until something interesting happens.
> So, put the USB drive into the computer, reboot it, and keep hitting escape 
> until you get a little menu of boot options. At this point, you ought to be 
> able to select 'USB Drive' or something like that, and you should get to the 
> installer you expected.
> If you don't get an option for 'USB Drive' (or whatever), check in the BIOS 
> that all possible boot device options are enabled, and enable them if they 
> aren't. If that doesn't help, make sure that you actually have a bootable USB 
> drive - try re-making it, and if that doesn't work, post details of how 
> you're trying to make it bootable, and we'll give you a hand.
> If you still have no luck (or if the above makes no sense), then if you can 
> bring the netbook into the centre of York at some point tomorrow, I'd be 
> happy to take a look at it.
> HTH,
> David
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