Hit all of my New Years so far / Unity
Successfully converted, sorry make that enlightened, a PC user to Linux!Linux 
Ubuntu 11.1o thatis. My first convert!
Personally I run my own distributionZulubuntu 12.o4 LTS RCDebIan unstable. 64 
bit GNOME 3.2.1 Classic Desktop.Real Time Kernel 3.11for workgroups. ;) {tee he 
pee my little joke there. 3.11 for workgroups}Next wheel be asking for 
settings.ini and the blue screen of death bach for when The Linux never 
crashes? ;)
From: Alex & Gennifer and Kharlotte.--  Alex Armani - IT Consultant / Digital 
Musician +44 775 459 5449 - MYspace.com/Alex.Armani                             
York mailing list

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