
The upgrade almost certainly wants free space on / so anything you delete
from your home directory won't help. Your root partition (/) $ is very
small. If you can make it larger or move something like /var onto a new
partition you should be able to do the upgrade fine.

If this isn't an option you can try deleting your apt cache or removing any
programs you don't need anymore. This may be enough for you to do the
On Nov 4, 2012 11:09 PM, "nigel white" <x...@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Hi
> In spite of removing all my documents and ending up with 40.8GB of
> available space (according to Disk Usage Analyser) I cannot get Ubuntu
> to upgrade. I get "upgrade needs 2002M free on disk /. Free an
> additional 436M on /". Every time I free up more space on / this request
> changes, but only by small amounts ie 516M > 390M > 363M > 436M. I keep
> freeing more space, but sometimes the requested space actually
> increases!
> I have done several previous Ubuntu upgrades with no problems.
> df -h gets (but I don't understand what this means)
> Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda2       9.3G  7.3G  1.6G  83% /
> udev            494M  4.0K  494M   1% /dev
> tmpfs           201M  1.2M  200M   1% /run
> none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
> none            501M  196K  501M   1% /run/shm
> /dev/sda4        40G  4.1G   34G  11% /home
> I'm trying to upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to 12.10 because Ubuntu
> keeps freezing. Nothing works except the mouse moves. The only thing it
> responds to is holding down the on/off button. Sporadic problem. I have
> no idea what's triggering it.
> According to Disk Usage Analyser my total capacity is 52.9GB. Used is
> 12.1GB and / is 11.5GB.
> I have emptied the wastebasket and done sudo apt-get clean.
> I should also explain that I know what the terminal is, but it doesn't
> do me much good as I can never remember a single unix command from one
> terminal session to the next. Sad but true )-:
> Does anyone have any hope to offer?
> Many thanks
> Nigel
> Headingley, Leeds
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