As other poster noted, you can disable it completely for testing.

>From my understanding though, it's not as "production-catastrophic" as it 
>sounds to delay or disable ZIL.

Many people run Linux boxes with ext3 in the standard setting, which only 
journals metadata, not file content.  So the purpose of journalling for them is 
only to preserve structural integrity, at the expense of correctness.  If you 
turn on full data journalling in ext3 you pay a speed penalty and very few 
people do it.

With COW you get the same thing even with ZIL off.  Maybe you miss some 
transactions in progress if you lose power, meh..... but the important thing is 
even with ZIL_disabled you should not ever have concerns about filesystem 
corruption.  Good stuff!

OpenSolaris Nevada 78 performed much better in our tests compared to Solaris 
10u4.  They've done a lot of performance work since then
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