On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 01:45:41AM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> Sorry, I don't understand any of this. But I never pretended I did.

Well, if you want some feature then you should understand what it is.
Sure "continuous data protection" sounds real good, but you have to
understand that any CDP solution has to have knowledge of, or even be
driven by your applications -- otherwise CDP isn't really.  This is
explained below.

> My post was on something else:
> In principle we have three types of write; atomic view, please:

"atomic view"?

> 1. Create. The new file needs to be written only, no backup/CDP
> needed; identical to any conventional system.
> 2. Edit/Modify. Here we need to store some incremental/differential
> file content. rsync-like, that is.

The rub is this: how do you know when a file edit/modify has completed?

The answer is: it depends on what application we're talking about!

> 3. Remove. Also this is similar to the conventional system, except
> that the files need to be retired and the blocks *not* be marked as
> 'available'.

If an application has many files then an "edit/modify" may include
updates and/or removals of more than one file.  So once again: how do
you know when an edit/modify has completed?  The answer is still the

My point is this: because the interesting times at which to take
checkpoints are application-specific, we can't have a useful
application-independent CDP solution.

An application-independent CDP solution would not necessarily (not
likely!) produce checkpoints that are safe to restore to.

If you don't know whether it's safe to restore to a given checkpoint,
and finding out is "hard", then what use is that checkpoint?  And if you
know it isn't safe then the checkpoint is truly useless -- it'll just
sit there, taking up space.

CDP really must be an application feature.  Using ZFS snapshots could
certainly make it easier to implement app-level CDP, and having the
ability to snapshot/clone at a finer granularity than datasets (e.g.,
per-file) would help too.  But ZFS _alone_ cannot provide a useful CDP

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