
*The PCIE 8x port gives me 4GBps, which is 32Gbps. No problem there. Each
ESata port guarantees 3Gbps, therefore 12Gbps limit on the controller.*

I was simply listing the bandwidth available at the different stages of the
data cycle. The PCIE port gives me 32Gbps. The Sata card gives me a possible
12Gbps. I'd rather be cautious and asuume I'll get more like 6Gbps, it is a
cheap card after all.

*I guarantee you this is not a sustainable speed for 7.2krpm sata disks.* (I
am well aware :) )

* Which is 333% of the PM's capability. *

Assuming that it is, 5 drives at that speed will max out my PM 3 times over.
So my PM will automatically throttle the drives speed to a third of that on
the account that the PM will be maxed out.

Thanks for the rough IO speed check :)

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Edward Ned Harvey <sh...@nedharvey.com>wrote:

> > From: Hatish Narotam [mailto:hat...@gmail.com]
> >
> > PCI-E 8X 4-port ESata Raid Controller.
> > 4 x ESata to 5Sata Port multipliers (each connected to a ESata port on
> > the controller).
> > 20 x Samsung 1TB HDD's. (each connected to a Port Multiplier).
> Assuming your disks can all sustain 500Mbit/sec, which I find to be typical
> for 7200rpm sata disks, and you have groups of 5 that all have a 3Gbit
> upstream bottleneck, it means each of your groups of 5 should be fine in a
> raidz1 configuration.
> You think that your sata card can do 32Gbit because it's on a PCIe x8 bus.
> I highly doubt it unless you paid a grand or two for your sata controller,
> but please prove me wrong.  ;-)  I think the backplane of the sata
> controller is more likely either 3G or 6G.
> If it's 3G, then you should use 4 groups of raidz1.
> If it's 6G, then you can use 2 groups of raidz2 (because 10 drives of
> 500Mbit can only sustain 5Gbit)
> If it's 12G or higher, then you can make all of your drives one big vdev of
> raidz3.
> > According to Samsungs site, max read speed is 250MBps, which
> > translates to 2Gbps. Multiply by 5 drives gives you 10Gbps.
> I guarantee you this is not a sustainable speed for 7.2krpm sata disks.
>  You
> can get a decent measure of sustainable speed by doing something like:
>        (write 1G byte)
>        time dd if=/dev/zero of=/some/file bs=1024k count=1024
>        (beware: you might get an inaccurate speed measurement here
>        due to ram buffering.  See below.)
>        (reboot to ensure nothing is in cache)
>        (read 1G byte)
>        time dd if=/some/file of=/dev/null bs=1024k
>        (Now you're certain you have a good measurement.
>        If it matches the measurement you had before,
>        that means your original measurement was also
>        accurate.  ;-) )
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