At 01:11 PM 7/11/2003, Mark Gregson wrote:

>     IIRC one of the very early (perhaps the first) Sherlock Holmes
> novels had a very anti storyline. Anyone out there who can either
> confirm or refute?

Yep, and I've read the novel. "A Study in Scarlet" (1887). The anti-Mormon stuff is not the focus of the book but prominence is given to the notion of "avenging angels" i.e. members who kill selected gentiles and apostates (cf. our earlier discussion about "Danites"). Arthur Conan Doyle was merely reflecting current beliefs about the Church.

This website,
wants its readers to know that we are just as dangerous as we were in those "scarlet" times. Sensationalism and gullibility are still best sellers.

========= Mark Gregson [EMAIL PROTECTED] =========

Hmmm. Somehow, even though I love books and am a voracious reader, Sir (he was knighted for his literary achievements some time after his first novel) Arthur Conan Doyle's works managed to escape my attention. So, with my curiosity thoroughly piqued I attempted to rectify that gap (at least partially) and read, _A Study In Scarlet: Being a Reprint from the Reminiscences of John H. Watson , M.D. , Late of the Army Medical Department_. An electronic text version is available here:

In spite of its obvious antagonism against Brigham Young, polygamy and the Mormons, I greatly loved this novel. A delightfully easy read (it is apparently geared towards "young readers," whatever that may be) but with enough intellectual stimulation to keep it interesting.

I have to confess though that my interest waned somewhat when the story shifted from London to the Great Basin and Salt Lake City. Even though Doyle used a common literary technique similar to the "flashback," I found myself wishing that Doyle had used a more fluid method to connect the reader from the events in London to the events in the Great Basin.

At any rate, my interest again picked up and I enjoyed the rest of the story. I can see why Doyle's works became so popular. He has a way of writing which keeps your interest.

As for Doyle's anti-Mormonism, apparently Doyle apologized in later years for his obvious errors. Levi Edgar Young claimed that Doyle had apologized and that he had "been misled by writings of the time about the Church." An interesting article about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, his work, _A Study In Scarlet, and his apologetic attitude towards the Church can be found here:

Steven Montgomery

The overall performance of the college graduates in the Convention of 1787 speaks forcefully for the proposition that Latin, rhetoric, philosophy, and mathematics can be a healthy fare for political heroes.----Clinton Rossiter

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