
Am Freitag, den 20.04.2007, 16:25 +0200 schrieb Martijn Faassen:
> Hey,
> > Compatibility with Zope 2
> > --------------------------
> > 
> > We continue to work on the transition from Zope 2 to Zope 3 by making
> > Zope 2 use more and more of the Zope 3 packages. But we're not there
> > yet. **You can't run Zope 2 applications in Zope 3.**
> I just realized that this text could easily be misread to imply that we 
> are working on making Zope 2 applications work in Zope 3 (we're just not 
> there yet). That is not the case - we do not expect ever to have a 
> version of Zope 3 that can run Zope 2 code.
> I'd suggest a rewrite to say:
> Compatibility with Zope 2
> --------------------------
> Zope 3 is not upwards compatible with Zope 2. This means you cannot run 
> Zope 2 applications in Zope 3.
> We continue to work on the transition from Zope 2 to Zope 3 by making 
> Zope 2 use more and more of the Zope 3 infrastructure. This means that 
> new code written in Zope 2 can benefit from Zope 3 technology. Also, 
> with care, code can be written that works in both Zope 3 and Zope 2. 
> This allows a Zope 2 application to slowly evolve towards Zope 3. 
> Unchanged Zope 2 applications are never expected to work in Zope 3, however.

Thanks. I'll change the template to include this.

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