In light of these insights, I feel the Zope home page should be re-drafted so as to present alternatives clearly to newcomers. Currently, Zope 3 is not presented prominently, causing newcomers to start with Zope 2 by default.
Milind Khadilkar

On 11/23/05, Martijn Faassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Milind Khadilkar wrote:
> Is it correct to say that one of the major objectives of Zope 3  as opposed
> to zope-x ( viz. compatibility with Zope 2, or at least an easy way for
> importing products from zope 2) has not been achieved?

Unfortunately the whole 'X' story was always interpreted differently by
different people. It's unfortunate, and our (the Zope 3 project's)
mistake, that your interpretation ("Zope 2 products work in Zope 3")
ever was made possible in the first place...

> The 'x' was removed
> on grounds of being ready for production use, not on grounds of
> compatibility. The release announcement for 3.1 also mentions continuing
> efforts to ease transition from zope 2 to zope 3. Is it meant to be the same
> as "ability to import products"?

As Stephan said in his reply, I find it unlikely that you'll ever be
able to run Zope 2 products in Zope 3. We're taking the other direction
-- Zope 2 products run in Zope 2 obviously, but we're making sure that
with Five, more and more Zope 3 code also works in Zope 2. This allows
you to start porting code over to Zope 3 while it remains to work in Zope 2.

Five is hardly the perfect transition tool; most of Zope 3 code doesn't
work in Zope 2 either without significant modifications. Step by step
however this gap is being bridged.



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