> Hi,
> Back in the Bugzilla days, only reviewers were allowed to r+ or r- patches. 
> Non-reviewers were - of course - encouraged to do informal reviews but they 
> would do so by leaving comments. They would never r+ / r-.
> Since we?ve moved to Github, it seems we have become a lot more lax about 
> this and I have seen non-reviewers approve and reject PRs, not just leaving 
> comments.
> My understanding is that there is no way to prevent this with Github but 
> could we at least make it a policy that non-reviewers should not approve / 
> reject PRs and only leave comments instead?

To provide some context, one of the reasons I didn’t attempt to exactly 
replicate Bugzilla’s behavior when porting our review mechanisms to GitHub was 
that Bugzilla only allows a single reviewer, which meant that an r+ would 
naturally clobber an r-, regardless of who gave the r- initially. Even in 
Bugzilla, non-reviewers could give r+es or r-es, it’s just that Commit-Queue 
wouldn’t respect them.

> The reason I would like us to make enforce this rule is that I find it 
> confusing. We have a lot of new comers in the project and I do not always 
> know if a person is a reviewer or not yet. I imagine it may be even more 
> confusing for non-Apple people.

I agree with this, especially since folks GitHub usernames are not always 

> I have in some cases not reviewed patches because I had seen the "green 
> check? and thought the PR already had been approved.
> I have also seen cases of PRs rejected, asking the author to do more work, 
> that I didn?t feel was necessary.
> There is no easy way from the GitHub UI to tell if the person who 
> approved/rejected your PR is actually a reviewer, as far as I know.

I think it’s fair for a non-reviewer to “Request Changes” on a PR, it’s often 
the case that a non-reviewer has comments that should block a change from 
landing. If a reviewer (or even the PR author) thinks that the blocking comment 
has been addressed, they can “re-request review” which will get-rid of symbol 
until the account whose review is requested re-reviews the PR.

I think this also points to the right way to address the confusion for r+es 
(which I think are the bigger issue): if we formally make our policy that 
non-reviewers should not leave a persistent “Approved” checkmark on a PR, we 
could have EWS listen for PR approvals and simply request a re-review any time 
a non-reviewer approves a PR. In practice, this will mean that a non-reviewer 
which approves a PR will have their approval nearly instantly removed by a bot. 
We could even have the bot comment something like “Unofficial r+ from 
non-reviewer <github user>” to make exactly what’s going on clear.

The issue with a policy change like this one is that it’s WebKit reviewers who 
deeply understand the policies of the WebKit project, but it’s non-reviewers 
who need to change their behavior. If we don’t back this policy clarification 
with a tools change, I think non-reviewers are unlikely to be aware project 
policy has changed.

> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Chris Dumez.

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