Dear Spring Community

I'm delighted to announce that Spring Security 2.0.0 RC1 is now
available. This is our first release candidate, with the core framework
now considered feature complete.

We've addressed over 65 issues in this new release, including:

* Authentication support for OpenID, which is rapidly becoming the de
facto standard for Internet SSO
* Method authorization support via the new "protect-pointcut" element,
which uses the powerful AspectJ pointcut expression language
* Dynamic retrieval of method authorization metadata from multiple
sources (AspectJ, declarative XML, @Secured, JSR 250 annotations etc)
* Complete support for method authorization on superclass, generic,
bridge, class and interface methods
* Web authorization of restful URIs
* Further expansion of namespace capabilities
* Continued simplification and improvement of the end user experience
* Improvements to the "tutorial" sample
* Dependency updates and compatibility testing
* Various refactoring, repackaging and general fixes

This release is suitable for development purposes, and we warmly welcome
your feedback, suggestions and issue reports. Over the coming weeks we
will be finalizing the documentation, tests, and ACL support as part of
our 2.0.0 final release.

Please visit to download the
latest release and access the change log.

We hope you find this new release useful in your projects.

Best regards

Ben Alex
Project Lead, Spring Security

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