On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Jake Colman <col...@ppllc.com> wrote:
> When an app get *re*created via a second kills to
> onCreate (following a kill) does it get the same context?

No. Objects cannot live beyond their process, and by definition, your
process was terminated. Hence, by definition, all objects in the new
process are different instances that any objects from the old process.

> If that is
> not guaranteed then should I not be using context-based preferences to
> persist my data?

I have no idea what you consider "context-based preferences" to be. If
you mean static data members, they should be used as a cache for
persistent data or for transient purposes only.

> Is there something other than
> PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreference to do this?

SharedPreferences are persistent, assuming that you use commit() or apply().

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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