We are using Wwise SDK to provide audio to players. Most of time, 
everything is fine. But on firebase, we found a lot of crashes, 
specifically for some kind of android phones, when wwise is initializing.
The backtrace is like this :

ActivityManager: Displayed 
com.audiokinetic.IntegrationDemo/android.app.NativeActivity: +118ms

06-25 10:33:51.670 6504 6524 E libOpenSLES: Configuration error: unknown key

06-25 10:33:51.671 6504 6524 W libOpenSLES: Leaving 
AndroidConfiguration::SetConfiguration (SL_RESULT_PARAMETER_INVALID)

06-25 10:33:51.671 6504 6524 D AudioTrack: set(): streamType 3, sampleRate 
48000, format 0x5, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 0, flags #104, 
notificationFrames 0, sessionId 42, transferType 0, uid -1, pid -1

06-25 10:33:51.671 6504 6524 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, 
fault addr 0xeec3cdec in tid 6524 (NativeThread)

06-25 10:33:51.722 739 739 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

06-25 10:33:51.722 739 739 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 

06-25 10:33:51.722 739 739 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'

06-25 10:33:51.722 739 739 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'

06-25 10:33:51.722 739 739 F DEBUG : pid: 6504, tid: 6524, name: 
NativeThread >>> com.audiokinetic.IntegrationDemo <<<

06-25 10:33:51.722 739 739 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 
(SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xeec3cdec

06-25 10:33:51.728 739 739 F DEBUG : r0 00000001 r1 00001968 r2 0000197c r3 

06-25 10:33:51.728 739 739 F DEBUG : r4 0000571f r5 f5c6204c r6 00000000 r7 

06-25 10:33:51.728 739 739 F DEBUG : r8 eec5e3e8 r9 eec5e3e8 sl 00000003 fp 

06-25 10:33:51.728 739 739 F DEBUG : ip f5c5df14 sp eec3cdc0 lr f5c4fdbf pc 
f5c5603a cpsr 200f0030

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG :

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : backtrace:

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000903a 

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #01 pc 00002dbb 
/system/lib/libunwind.so (unw_map_local_create+30)

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #02 pc 00005017 
/system/lib/libbacktrace.so (_ZN14UnwindMapLocal5BuildEv+4)

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #03 pc 000050b9 
/system/lib/libbacktrace.so (_ZN12BacktraceMap6CreateEib+64)

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00003311 
/system/lib/libbacktrace.so (_ZN9BacktraceC1EiiP12BacktraceMap+40)

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0000335d 
/system/lib/libbacktrace.so (_ZN9Backtrace6CreateEiiP12BacktraceMap+60)

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #06 pc 0000cdaf 
/system/lib/libutils.so (_ZN7android9CallStack6updateEii+34)

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0005e039 

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #08 pc 0005dfbb 

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #09 pc 00008fa7 

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #10 pc 000196af 

06-25 10:33:51.731 739 739 F DEBUG : #11 pc 00171a95 

06-25 10:33:51.732 739 739 F DEBUG : #12 pc 00171ce1 

06-25 10:33:51.732 739 739 F DEBUG : #13 pc 0015d44b 

06-25 10:33:51.732 739 739 F DEBUG : #14 pc 001115bf 

06-25 10:33:51.732 739 739 F DEBUG : #15 pc 001120c5 

06-25 10:33:51.732 739 739 F DEBUG : #16 pc 0011247b 

06-25 10:33:51.732 739 739 F DEBUG : #17 pc 000e6fb7 

06-25 10:33:51.732 739 739 F DEBUG : #18 pc 000e7bdd 

06-25 10:33:51.732 739 739 F DEBUG : #19 pc 0014b8d5 

06-25 10:33:51.732 739 739 F DEBUG : #20 pc 0003fa43 /system/lib/libc.so 

06-25 10:33:51.732 739 739 F DEBUG : #21 pc 00019fd5 /system/lib/libc.so 

06-25 10:33:51.778 743 1573 D APM::AudioPolicyManager: stopOutput() output 
2, stream 1, session 21

06-25 10:33:51.778 743 1573 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: 
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0

06-25 10:33:51.778 743 1573 D APM::AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() 
device 0000 delayMs 96

06-25 10:33:51.796 2496 2496 D Launcher: onStop

I have asked wwise support about this problem, but they refuse to fix it 
(they just say this is an android system problem).
I am not sure what should I do next, as the crash really influences a lot 
of players. Could I filter out which kind of devices may encounter this 
problem? Any possible way to avoid this crash?

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