Alexandro Colorado wrote:
On March 30th the Document Freedom day is happening and I think we are
in good time to start to work on a campaign to show our support on the

I think this event is pretty important, and we could be working with
the communities and spread the word about this relevant event. I think
also marketing should put some  money to fund the development.

Some ideas are:
- Showcase the benefits of OpenDocuments
- Show the tools that use ODF
- Push documentation to the forefront about ODF such as adoption, implementation
- Push technical documentation
- Projects like www-at-odf and ODFDOM, XSLT-Tools

I think this is a relevant event to put our support behind and also
OOo does need a more responsive website.

Agreed, Alexandro is correct it is quite relevant and IMO
befitting for a community based action of support.
(so that is the easy part - saying it)

Before looking at what we could do that directly fosters adoption of perhaps we should look at what we could do, as the community to support the folks behind

For one thing we could take upon ourselves to help drive individuals to the site - that is easy. Place one of their banners on the website with a link home - or write a tweet with a link to the site, and then ask OO.o community members to twitter (that's a verb, sure) it or re-twitter.

Perhaps more appropriately - what is our strength? I've been pondering that recently, what is an OO.o strength. It is the myriad of languages supported and our ability to support those languages and support new ones. Well, lets put that to use.

Draft our own flier - they have one at the documentfreedom site, use it or create our own.
Now how many languages do we support? I don't know *chuckle*.
But set a goal 100% translation by March 25 - that is an aggressive goal isn't it - but how close can we come..only one way to find out. Heck put a thermometer on the front page and track how we do - someone take the task of driving it to the top. Donate those translations, a common message for the world back to the documentfreedom web site
(maybe let them know they are coming - huh )

Make a big deal of it - it's ok, it helps the actual cause - We are the Office Suite for the World - We speak the languages of the peoples of the world, well lets show what that means..

Just a thought


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