
The goals of the branding initiative remain unchanged and we should finalize the logo usage guidelines. I personally think that with the current changes in the community, it was wise to wait with the logo usage guidelines. I think that we can go on now with the almost ready guidelines and start thinking how a consistent brand could look like concretely. Where we can of course use the help of the Art project :)

I want to encourage everyone interested in the branding project or in creating art work to get involved here. There's a lot to do and your feedback, ideas and designs will help us to move forward. So if you haven't, just subscribe to the branding list. The process of creating the logo usage guidelines and the further branding initiative projects remain open and everyone is invited to take part of it. So don't hesitate to contribute on the mailing lists, wiki, IRC channels, etc.  The goal remains in my eyes the same: have a consistent branding that communicates the strengths of OOo: good, used by millions worldwide, based on years of success and continuity.

I'm glad to see new members (and valued old ones of course) in the lists and would like to welcome you. I think an IRC meeting could help us to finalize the guidelines and discuss related and other working areas.
Please raise your items and I'll put together an agenda and set it up.



Rosana Ardila Biela | Marketing Manager
Phone: +49 (0)40 23 646 722
Oracle Office

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ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
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