Mr. Courtney Creighton wrote:
> If you come up with anything better, I'd love to hear it. Soon, I want
> to disable all user logins via unencrypted protocols, and it would be
> really nice to have more reliable secure connections to go with that.

I'm not 100% sure it isn't the ISP causing the issue.

All my remote clients are using OpenVPN.  I've modified their host 
tables to point to the private IP address of ASSP and the problem has 
gone away.  I've read a couple articles that state that ISPs are fooling 
around with TLS to prevent users from encryption.

I'm also not sure it's not a pfSense bug.  The next release is coming up 
soon and I'll test again once my firewall has been upgraded.

And as a test, I'll review a few other, non Mozilla clients, to see if 
it's a Mozilla based bug.



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"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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