This is nothing new!

The log entries for the second mail will show you why!

..... HMM-Check has given less than 21 results - using scoring mode only

(1) If the HMM check gets less than ( maxBayesValues / 3 + 1 ) results, 
the HMM check is set to scoring for the mail.
(2) If the HMM check gets less than ( maxBayesValues / 12 + 1 ) results, 
the HMM check is set to monitoring for the mail.

What I can't see is the 'X-Assp-HMM-Confidence:' header line. Without 
configuring 'baysConf' case (1) can produce false positives, if the "HMM 
Probability" is between 0.6-0.8.
Configuring 'BayesAfterHMM' is recommended.


Von:    katip <>
An:     ASSP development mailing list <>
Datum:  20.10.2015 19:12
Betreff:        [Assp-test] block by HMM or limit?

ASSP version 2.4.5(15272)

one spam:
X-Assp-Message-Score: 50 (HMM Probability: 1.00000)
X-Assp-IP-Score: 50 (HMM Probability: 1.00000)
X-Assp-HMM-Spam-Prob: 1.00000
X-Assp-Tag: HMM
X-Assp-Spam: YES
X-Spam-Status: YES
X-Assp-Spam-Reason: HMM
X-Assp-Message-Totalscore: 50

another spam:
X-Assp-Message-Score: 50 (HMM Probability: 1.00000)
X-Assp-IP-Score: 50 (HMM Probability: 1.00000)
X-Assp-HMM-Spam-Prob: 1.00000
X-Assp-Tag: MessageLimit
X-Assp-Spam: YES
X-Spam-Status: YES
X-Assp-Spam-Reason: MessageScore 50, limit 49
X-Assp-Message-Totalscore: 50

DoHMM is set to block
HMMValencePB is 50
both messages are external inbound
both passed all other checks till blocked

how does it come that one is blocked as HMM (as desired) but the other 
is blocked by limit? this is not the only case BTW...


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