ASSP is a Proxy NOT a SMTP-server! So - assp will not remove the leading 
dot - this has to be done by the Exchange-server. The MTA will remove the 
dot, if the message is stored and add it again, if the mail is sent via 
SMTP to the Exchange.


Von:    Harley_1955 <>
An:     ASSP-TEST <>
Datum:  05.11.2015 17:39
Betreff:        [Assp-test] Extra Dot Problem

Has anyone ever encountered having extra dots added to their emails? I've 
got xml attachments coming in that get processed automatically and the 
extra dots are messing things up, I know dot stuffing is supposed to 
happen per the rfc but they are not being removed. I am being told that 
the same email can be sent to gmail or yahoo and this problem doesn't 
occur. The weird thing is not all emails to that address are affected, 
some are ok. Here's an example:


The ..3300 isn't right.  Is this a server or a client problem? Flow is 

SMTP standard RFC2821 section 4.5.2:

Allow all user composed text to be transmitted transparently, the 
following procedures are used:
Before sending a line of mail text, the SMTP client checks the first 
character of the line. If it is a period, one additional period is 
inserted at the beginning of the line.

When a line of mail text is received by the SMTP server, it checks the 
line. If the line is composed of a single period, it is treated as the end 
of mail indicator. If the first character is a period and there are other 
characters on the line, the first character is deleted.

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