Just noticed this:
Oct-20-16 20:52:17 Info: file c:/ASSP/IP-Lists/IPS-gmail.com.cfg is now
stored encrypted, because it is used in secured config Groups

We programatically generate several lists in IP-Lists that are used in
group definitions.  It looks like they become re-encrypted after updating,
so if we were going to use them elsewhere, we wouldn't be able to.  That's
okay, we can change the code that creates this lists.

I do have little questions though:

1) When did encryption of external configuration files become the norm?  I
hadn't noticed this before.

2) Is there a way to disable this option?

3) Curious, what's the point of encrypting these files?  if someone has
access to the ASSP machine or file structure, encryption of these files
won't do much of anything would it?  (change PW in ASSP.cfg and look at
admin UI to see what's in the group file).
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