That's good to know, thanks.  However, I'm looking for something a little
different.  I don't want to apply the same rules to ALL dkim signed mail, *only
to those from specific domains*.  Otherwise any spammer who registers a
domain and uses DKIM signing will have mail get through.  Worse, that would
also have all signed mail from providers like come through
regardless of content.

And note, I have RWLwhitelisting set to off (the default) for fear of
having good IP's lke office365's not do any other filtering.

Instead, I'm thinking about logic like this: f the from address on an
email  (only the header from address) matches what I have in a config file
AND it's got a valid DKIM signature tied to the from domain, treat the mail
as whitelisted.   Don't penalize these domains if it's not signed, but if
it is, just let it through and put the mail to the notspam corpus.  This
way known outside domains who we know generally dkim sign their mail will
get through to us and improve bayesian / HMM.  Whitelisting a domain like isn't an option, as spammers send from there to us all of the
time.  But if we could always allow DKIM through regarles of which user
sent to us, that would help.

Do you think this makes sense to consider as a possible future ASSP
feature?  Maybe there's another way?  I'm all ears.


On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 11:51 AM, Thomas Eckardt <
> wrote:

> If amail apsses the DKIM check it will be processed like it would be
> "RWLOK" (default).
> This can be configured using the hidden variable "$DKIMpassAction".
> our $DKIMpassAction = 7;                 # (0..7) if DKIM pass: bit-0 =
> set rwlok to 1 (medium trust status), bit-1 = skip penaltybox-check, bit-2
> = set IP-score to zero - default is 7 (all bits set)
> Thomas
> Von:        "K Post" <>
> An:        "ASSP development mailing list" <assp-test@lists.sourceforge.
> net>
> Datum:        28.02.2018 15:54
> Betreff:        [Assp-test] Allow DKIM signed mail through for a domain
> ------------------------------
> Lots of our external contacts use Office365.  Senderbase is obviously
> useless for them.  If a sender is whitelisted, fine, but there are often
> large numbers of senders in an organization (known organizations where we
> cannot whitelist the domain or else spammers from another server would get
> through).
> So, since many of these companies use DKIM is there a way with ASSP to
> consider an email for a particular sender domain whitelisted if a the DKIM
> matches?  We cannot not strictly require a DKIM or penalize since these
> larger organizations typically also send non-signed email from other
> sources, but if the DKIM does match for a list of domains, just let it
> through, regardless of content.
> Is that doable?  If not, is it worth considering?.
> Respectfully,
> Ken
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