I've got a handful of users who forward their personal gmail.com addresses
to their account here.  When this happens google forwards along with an
envelope from

For example, if someone forwarded their personal test.per...@gmail.com
address to their t...@ourcharity.org address here, the envelope from would

I want to *no process* all of these forwards. What I've been doing for the
longest time is putting the from addresses in npRe.   I have a hard time
believing that this didn't used to work, but its possible that it never
did.   So for example, npRE looks like this:
escaping all periods and the plus sign

When I test this by sending a mail from another server to a test gmail
account which is set to forward to ASSP, I do see test.person+caf_=them=
ourcharity....@gmail.com in the envelope as expected.  The from: line is
the original sender, also as expected.

However, *I'm not seeing a npRE match*.  Nothing is logged as such and the
mail often goes to spam (as it should based on content, but the no
processing should let it pass instead)

I also tried to put the test.person+caf_=them=ourcharity....@gmail.com
address (non-escaped) into noProcessing, but that's not matching either, I
suspect because the description of noProcessing says "mail SOLELY to or
from these addresses" and it's not *solely* from test.person+caf_=them=
ourcharity....@gmail.com, that's the envelope from but the header from is
the original sender.

What in the world am I doing wrong?  Does npRE no longer search the
envelope?  Other options without automatically noprocessing anything from

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