such a regex would nothing change - if the sender is faked (not verified), 
the attachments will not be checked

>What do you consider "executable code" in a macro?

An OLE file can contain any type of file. The definition of an executable 
is every time the same in assp.


Von:    "K Post" <>
An:     "ASSP development mailing list" <>
Datum:  17.06.2018 03:53
Betreff:        Re: [Assp-test] UserAttach sender & recipient matching?

WOW, just wow.  Thank you for continuously improving ASSP.

The HLMSOLE option could be very useful if we apply is correctly.  

What do you consider "executable code" in a macro?  Do you mean a macro 
that calls an external executable?

Unfortunately this specific sender uses Office 365 primarily, but also a 
ton of other SMTP sources through their automated services.  Really puts 
us in a jam.

Future thinking: I believe that bombHeaderRE allow for something like:
as a way to search for a sender and recipient pair.  If there's some 
magical way for you to build this kind of thing into userattach, that 
would be incredible.  Then we could granularly allow/prohibit certain 
kinds of attachments based on the sender/recipient PAIR. 

On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 1:28 AM Thomas Eckardt <
> wrote:
Such a scenario seems to be a common problem. To solve this, the ASSP_AFC 
plugin got some improvements. Because these changes are security related, 
I'm still testing the new code. 
The new code ( and are available at SF-SVC in the test 

What is changed? 

A new exception ':HLMSOLE' (HarmLess MS-OLE files) was added. If this 
exception is used and a MSOLE file is detected in an attachment, the OLE 
file is extracted and every single content (file) in the OLE is scanned 
for virus and (if configured) for executable code. 
A MS-Office-Macro is an OLE file in every case. Using a combination like : 
exe\-bin|:MSOM|:HLMSOLE|:CSC will lead in to the following behavior. 
- macros are not blocked 
- script code (VBA for example) is not blocked 
- MS-OLE (also macros) are not blocked as long as they not contain 
executable code or a virus 

What are the requirements? 

The perl modules OLE::Storage_Lite and  Email::Outlook::Message must be 

>They regularly violate SPF 

Override the SPF record for this domain in assp and block strictly on SPF 
faults for this domain. 
Record all the sender addresses, put them in to a group and configure an 
attachment blocking (at runtime) exception for this group of people. 

How ever, if the company uses a large email provider (gmail, microsoft, 
....) to deliver there mails - you are lost in case spammers using the 
same provider. SPF will pass and usinf the right sender addess is easy. 

If there is no way to get this 100% solved, create an email account for 
your company  (gmail, ms, ....), give the email address to the shipping 
company. Collect the emails from the provider and rewrite the recipient 
address in assp to hide the original recipient address.. 


Von:        "K Post" <> 
An:        "ASSP development mailing list" <> 
Datum:        14.06.2018 17:34 
Betreff:        [Assp-test] UserAttach sender & recipient matching? 

I'm looking for a magical way to do do something where a UserAttach rule 
could work for a pair, like 
to:OurOneUser@OurCharity.org_from:*>block=> (the list) 

Here's the scenario: 
A giant international shipping company that we work with needs to be able 
to send us excel files with macros in them.  They will not provide the 
files any other way and they are critical to our charity.  A seemingly 
ever changing list of people at this external domain send these files, but 
only to ONE of our people here.  They regularly violate SPF, don't 
consistently DKIM sign - and they're so incredibly large that there is no 
hope of change on their end. 

I am trying to avoid doing the exception for the whole sender domain 
because it's a domain that's commonly used to send spam/scam emails too.  
So, an exception like: 
* => block => 

(which has the :MSOM exception and doesn't have xlsm listed like our 
regular block does) 
would work, but then lets the scammers send scam Excel macro files to 
everyone.  No good. 

With my idea of having user attach be matched only for one recipient only 
if it's from the shipper domain, we limit the exposure a bit. 

Thoughts?  Other ideas? 

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