Forgive me for jumping into this mid-discussion, and admittedly I have 
not read every word of this thread, but...

I have understood that there are two primary points that William is 

1) breaking-up the installation so that it becomes more-integrated with 
the system - such as logs going in /var/log, pid files going in 
/var/run, etc., instead of everything being under one common 
installation path.

2) breaking-up the code into multiple files in order to make it easier 
to digest, especially for prospective co-developers.

If I have understood correctly, please allow me to respond in-line below...

On 03/03/2016 07:05 AM, William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:
> That might be a good thing given the age of the code base. I do not believe
> its ever had a complete redesign and code clean up. I believe it has just had
> features added on over the years, as the file grew.

Here you're suggesting that code quality will improve if it is 
refactored.  This is not necessarily true.  Refactoring also risks 
introducing bugs that were not there before.  So, while the auditing 
that occurs during refactoring can be beneficial in optimizing and 
finding problems that were not obvious before, my experience is that 
there is also a considerable likelihood that problems that did not exist 
before will be introduced by the refactoring process.

In my experience it is developer exposure, varied usage, and operational 
feedback that promote coding improvements.  While code refactoring can 
increase these things, it can also restrict the same depending on how 
it's done (most developers need to be committed to it, users need to be 
committed to using it, and mechanisms for feedback need to be there to 
conclude that improvements have actually occurred).

Given the push-back that your ideas are getting with Thomas, I'd say 
that you are unlikely to achieve the requirements for a refactoring to 
result in an improvement unless you somehow have several developers and 
a lot of users waiting to follow your ideas.

> NO, time well spent to make the code base more manageable. It will be in
> smaller pieces that will allow others to more easily digest and contribute.
> Not to mention making it like just about every other modern program and
> project, code split across multiple files.

This last bit about "just about every other modern program and project" 
is irrelevant and a red herring fallacy.  Do you have some statistics on 
every other modern program and project to substantiate this?  Or are you 
just explaining your own perceptions?

In my experience there are a lot of well-used, good programs out there 
that are contained in one (or very few) code files.  I, myself, work 
with both types.  I don't perceive one approach to be superior to the 
other.  Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately 
it really just comes down to developer preference.  Some developers like 
to work with huge code files. Others prefer the code broken up into 
numerous files.  Manageability comes down to developer preference.

> Its  question if you want to be the ONLY one working on ASSP, or if you want a
> more active development team furthering ASSP. Over the years seems like very
> few are interested in working with ASSP codebase. I have tried to get several
> I know who are VERY enthusiastic about perl and it is their go to language.
> However all come back with the same complaint, and NONE are willing to get
> involved as a result.

I don't buy it.  You may like to think that they would have gotten 
involved if things were different, but you don't know that for-sure.  
Even they, themselves, don't know that for-sure.  There would need to be 
two projects - one written one way and the other written the other way - 
to know if they would have gotten involved with either.  Your argument 
here is conjecture if not merely another red herring fallacy.

In my experience developers who would get involved do get involved 
regardless of these kinds of things, and they will do the development in 
a way that they prefer - whether that is by working in cooperation with 
the existing developers or whether that is by developing their own 
fork.  My experience is that developers who don't get involved wouldn't 
have ever gotten involved even if these kinds of things were different.  
They may *say* that they don't get involved because of these things, but 
when I have made efforts to accommodate potential co-developers in 
similar ways ultimately I find exactly what I'm saying.

Generally speaking developers get involved only when they are 
motivated-enough.  I have not seen developers get involved out of sheer 
academic interest and agreement with coding practices.



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