On 03/03/2016 11:30 AM, William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:
> On Thursday, March 03, 2016 08:43:44 AM you wrote:
>> This last bit about "just about every other modern program and project"
>> is irrelevant and a red herring fallacy.  Do you have some statistics on
>> every other modern program and project to substantiate this?  Or are you
>> just explaining your own perceptions?
> I have worked with packaging software on Gentoo for over a decade. I have
> worked with so many different projects,  languages, build systems, and
> platforms. I rarely if ever see monolithic projects, and surely not large ones
> like ASSP.
> Do you have any stats or facts to counter my statement or just playing devils
> advocate? Can you show me one large popular open source project that is
> monolithic? Any language. I can only think of one....

Well, you've now qualified your earlier statements by adding the "large" 

I'm the author of iaxmodem.  It's monolithic.  iaxmodem.c is 1800 lines 
long.  Granted, that's smaller than 8000.  I'm not sure if that meets 
your requirement.

I also develop HylaFAX+.  It's not monolithic, but one of the individual 
code files (faxQueueApp.c++) is more than 4000 lines long.  Others are 
over 1000.



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