On Tue, 23.12.08 10:35, Brian McKee (m...@map-heb.com) wrote:

>>> I know 'it quits working sometimes' isn't much of a bug report :-)  
>>> I'd
>>> like some suggestions on how I can better determine what's making it 
>>> stop
>>> and when.
>> Have you checked syslog?
> and as of now (10.30) it's not working again.  There's no more avahi
> related entries in the log

Hmm, could you please run "avahi-daemon --debug" in a terminal (as
root of course) and then let it run? As soon as Avahi
crashes/terminates you should then see some kind of message in that
terminal that explains what is going on.

Even better would be to run it inside gdb and then get a backtrace
when it crashes:



Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net         ICQ# 11060553
http://0pointer.net/lennart/           GnuPG 0x1A015CC4
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