On 23-Dec-08, at 2:24 PM, Brian McKee wrote:

On 23-Dec-08, at 1:53 PM, Lennart Poettering wrote:
If Avahi services only show up initially but then go away this sounds
a lot as if you'd have some kind of firewall running or some hardware
issue that disallows mDNS multicast packets (udp port 5353) to be
received by your computer but allows them to be sent.

Ah - ok - that gives me something to chew on.  I'll report back.

Yep - I bet that was it - I haven't left it running long enough to prove for sure, but the firewall wasn't opened correctly. Thought I'd done that earlier :-(

Do I need the entire open? or can I tighten that down a bit? Just didn't seem to be enough.


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