>>>>> On Thu, 31 Oct 2019 17:04:09 +0000, John H Nyhuis said:
> I want to improve the logging of my Bacula server.
> Right now, Bacula seems to log a lot of things I don't care about, such 
> as spoolersize and spooler usage, and does not log information I would 
> like to see, such as filenames or directories currently being backed up.
> Jobs are long, so some status notifying me of progress other than 'The 
> Job's still running' is warranted.

Have you tried the "status client" and "status storage" commands in bconsole?
They give some indication of files and bytes processed.

> FYI: my logs are filled with this message, repeated every second:
> 31-Oct 09:58 Scalar-i40 JobId 28: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
> Despooling 129,048 bytes ...
> 31-Oct 09:58 Scalar-i40 JobId 28: Despooling elapsed time = 00:00:01, 
> Transfer rate = 129.0 K Bytes/second
> 31-Oct 09:58 Scalar-i40 JobId 28: Spooling data again ...

Is the "bytes" always as low as 129,048?  If so, then it looks like you have
misconfigured MaximumSpoolSize or MaximumJobSpoolSize or the spool disk is

> In my opinion, the fact that the spooler is working and doing it's job 
> isn't something that needs to be logged.  Knowing what file is currently 
> being read would be nice.

The "status client" includes information about which file is currently being


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