Hi, Richard,

At 02:24 PM 11/19/2004, you wrote:
>>And this is because we can know nothing of His Essence?<<

Not exactly. The classical realists, following Plato, made "forms" a part of 
God's nature. The form for a person, a cat, a dog, or a tree was a fixed 
universal in the Mind of God. As a result, God's creative process was 
determined by these universals (templates). Cats resembled one another as a 
consequence of taking part in the same universal - the same expression of God's 

The nominalists and terminists (i.e., terms or terminology) challenged the idea 
of fixed universals and argued that universals were merely accidental (not 
fixed) names for particulars considered to have similar characteristics. That 
"naming" could be done by God or by man. Thus, if God *names* something as 
good, it is good. A cat is a cat because people have labeled it as such.

Mark A. Foster * http://markfoster.net
"Sacred cows make the best hamburger" 
-- Mark Twain and Abbie Hoffman 

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