On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 16:27:35 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a message dated 12/27/2004 10:51:08 AM Central Standard Time,

> Gilberto:
> Ok, but then the question remains, if the revelation of the Bab was
> complete and enshrines all the others past and future, and if he
> provides the full letters of the alphabet, what need is there for
> revelation after the Bab?

> Gilberto: 
> I understand that the Bahais believe in progressive revelation but
> then how do you parse those other statements which seem to say  something 
> different?

> Okay, we have established that from a Baha`i point of view, the Bab  
> completes the revelation. 

There are strong statements which definitely give that impression.
That the Bayan enshrines all past and future revelations. That the Bab
came with the 27 letters. And the Bayan says: "No one hath been or
will ever be invested with prophethood other than Thee, nor hath any
sacred Book been or will be revealed unto any one except Thee."

> Then we need to discuss why Revelation needs
> further completion?
> What doesthe Bab have to say about it, I quoted the 2nd Tablet > to He Whom 
> God Will Make Manifest and the Bab Himself 
> says that the Revelation to be brought by that future Prophet 
> will make the Bab's Book complete. So, why  should we think > that the 
> completeness of the Bab's Revelation is an obstacle
> to further revelation when the Bab Himself says it must come 
> to pass?

I'm not saying one is necessarily an obstacle to the other, but it
still seems like a puzzle which leaves open some legitimate questions.
What did the Bab mean by saying that no one would be invested with
prophethood after Thee [Him?] If Bahaullah was going to come shortly
after him? And if the Bab came with the full alphabet and the Bayan
enshrines all future revelation does that mean Bahaullah's message was



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