G:  Yes, I understand that this is what Bahais are trying to say. That
Christians have a concept of finality, but were wrong because Muhammad
came afterwards. So the point is to try to say that the Muslim concept
of finality is the same, and equally wrong, so it would make it more
plausible that Bahaullah could come.

J:  Good summary of my personal view.

G:  And the point I'm making is that even from a Christian perspective,
they aren't claiming finality for themselves in the same way that
Muslims are. That in concrete ways they are actually open to future
revelation and future prophets and future messages.

J:  I think that in your statement above you are incorporating Islam thought into Christianity.  Try to understand Christianity from a Christian perspective, not an Islamic one.  They will never universally accept a prophet who will also add to their Bible.  There is no need because the Bible is a recounting of the life of Jesus, the only Saviour for man and the only Son of God.  I agree that from a Muslim perspective, prophethood continues when looking at Christianity in hind-sight.  That is exactly what Baha'is do to Islam.  Looking at the Qur'an now, the term Seal of the Prophets is reborn with a new meaning.

G:  Have you looked at the history of early Islam? The Christians and Jews
in Arabia were said to be expecting another prophet to come.

J:  Excellent.  And in the time of Baha'u'llah, Muslims were expecting the coming of the Mahdi, that's why there were so many claimants at that time.

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