On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 19:53:07 -0600, Mark A. Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gilberto,
> You replied:
> >>I'm speaking imprecisely. I don't think I mean that kind of logic. I mean a 
> >>different kind of reasoning process.<<

> What kind of reasoning process?

One example would be through some kind of deliberative process where
we think about the consequences of having certain rules and what kind
of society that would result in. It's hard for me to articulate but
one model would be the traffic laws. The goal is to have a society
where people can travel safely on the roads. You want to minimaize
harm to other human beings. so the basic value would be something like
safety or the sanctity of human life. And so as a result, speed limits
are enforced, we drive on one side of the road and not the other, etc.

> >>Think about it this way. Even across various religions, different groups of 
> >>human beings tend to converge on similar sets of moral rules. Golden rule. 
> >>Lying is bad. Murdering is bad. Stealing is bad. etc.<<

> We may invent words or categories broad enough to encompass sets of 
> activities across cultures. However, that doesn't tell us that those 
> categories or names represent shared meaning.

Sure but even apart from language, whatever you call them, certain
kinds of actions will tend to have certain kinds of consequences.



"My people are hydroponic"

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