On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 16:05:20 -0500, Gilberto Simpson
> I'm not sure I would identify with the idea of an "absolute ideal up
> in the sky somewhere". From my perspective, Islam is a very pragmatic
> realistic religion. Alot of emphasis is put on the fact that the Quran
> was revealed in stages and [on the] lived example of the prophet. On top of
> that, many of the commandments are explicitly given exceptions due to
> duress or other circumstances.

To Mark and Susan and whoever else might be interested,

I gave this a little more thought and I think that perhaps we could
all agree that morality can be "situational" and that what is
appropriate or inappropriate can depend on the concrete specifics of a
situation, but I think that would still see morality as more objective
and in some respects prior to a prophet, while both of you would see
morality as very much dependent on the Manifestation.

I'm more likely to say that the prophets command X because X is right.
While I think both of you would say that X is right because the
Manifestation commands X.



"pharoah is just a leaf on a burning bush"

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